Social Media Marketing and Website SEO are Inseparable
When you think about social media marketing, you think of viral videos and sponsored advertisements, digital campaigns and tweeting hashtags. But, there is a lot more than what meets the eye that goes into creating engaging social media content. The reason that social media marketing fails for many businesses and even individuals is a lack of SEO integration.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of utilizing the parameters that search engines such as Google, use to rank content. When you post something on your social media platforms, it gets ranked by search engines based on its relevance, originality and quality of the content.
Fortunately, using this knowledge can enable you to target your content in such a way that it fulfils all these criteria set forth by search engines. Moreover, following these guidelines can make your content a lot more precise and impactful on your target audience. A higher ranking on search engines means your content will be among the first few options that show up when your audience is looking for something related to your content. This in turn means an increase in organic traffic to your website. Anyone who knows anything about social media knows that organic traffic is the holy grail of social media marketing. If people enjoy spending time on your content because it is high-quality and relevant to their needs, you will automatically attract more traffic to your website.
Social media marketing alone, is not as effective to reach out to the audiences, especially if your target population is huge. To build a bigger audience, you need to create more organic interactions with your audience. These interactions can be anything, such as Facebook likes, post shares, tweets, retweets, etc. The more people share and interact with your content, the better your ranking will be. Ultimately, higher your ranking, bigger is the number of people that will be directed to your page. It Is becoming obvious now that SEO and social media marketing are two sides of the same coin.

The Power of Content
For the first time, since the advent of marketing, audiences are just as involved in the process as the marketers. Social media marketing is different from any other form of marketing since it is an interactive process. Audiences are no longer subject to just consuming whatever content you create. While this makes the competition for creating good quality content tougher, it also leads to an overall increase in quality content on the internet. Moreover, social media marketing prevents formation of monopolies as it is driven by quality of content, not ad sponsorship. No matter, how much you pay Google and Facebook to spam your ads, if your own content is not good, the advertisements won’t help.
If social media users can identify one consistent voice behind all your social media platforms, it becomes a lot more relatable and genuine for them. People only share things they relate to on their social media, making any brand that can connect with them on a personal level instantly more shareable. But, to create a consistent brand image takes time and planning, which can be faster with a consolidation platform such as Social Media 2.0. All leading brands in the world are recognizing the potential for reaching out to their audience directly and dedicating millions of dollars to create effective social media marketing strategies.
What is Social Media 2.0?
Social Media 2.0 is the Worlds 1st Social Media Engine, which enables you to consolidate all your social media activity. Your social media presence collectively constitutes your brand identity. Things you post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. put together create a comprehensive package of your brand that is presented to your consumers. But, because these social media platforms are separated from each other in interface, it can be very difficult to maintain a consistent brand throughout your social media interactions.
On Social Media 2.0, all your interactions and activities on multiple social media platforms are put in an easy-to-understand format which allows you to see complete consolidation. When you can step back and look at the social media presence of your brand at once, it becomes a lot easier to come up with new and better ways to market yourself. It also becomes a lot easier to recognize patterns of repetition, which boosts your originality and quality of content.
SEO on Social Media 2.0
SEO as a tool has so far been used mainly to design webpages and websites. The use of SEO on social media posts has been very limited, at best. The reason for that is, no one really knows how SEO helps in social media presence. With a platform like Social Media 2.0, you can see all your posts as one collective campaign and plan your marketing strategies accordingly. Giving you the power to micro-manage how you present your brand to your audience, is the aim of creating this consolidated platform. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. can become one tool instead of several individual platforms. This instantly transforms all your social media activities into one collective campaign.

SEO comprises of using targeted keywords, anchor links and other tools that make sure your content reaches the exact audience you are targeting. When applied to social media, SEO can significantly increase your following and brand presence online. In the age of social media, if you can control the process of gathering a bigger following, there is no limit to what can be achieved. To understand the impact good SEO strategizing can have on your brand’s social media, check out some intriguing statistics:
Facts and Statistics
According to, these statistics are the ones that define social media content at this point of time:
- As of October 2017, the total worldwide population is at 6 billion.
- Out of that 3.5 billion people use the internet.
- Out of that 3.03 billion are active on social media.
- 91% of retail brandsuse 2 or more social media platforms.
- 81% of all small and medium businessesuse one or the other kind of social platforms.
- Every internet user has an average of 7.6 social media accounts.
- The number of social media users grew by 121 millionbetween Q2 2017 and Q3 2017.
- That works out at a new social media user every 15 seconds.
- Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp alone handle about 60 billion messages a day.
These numbers are staggering if you consider how rapidly social media is becoming a part of our daily lives. Whether you like it or not, a social media presence is paramount to the success of your business. For a brand’s social media presence to be effective in engaging audiences, to has to be consolidated on all platforms at once. This is where Social Media 2.0 comes in. By enabling you to control all media from one place, it makes the daunting task of integrating SEO in social media a lot easier.
Social Media SEO is the Future of Marketing
Marketing is the process of a brand relating to its customers. Up till now, it has been limited to television, print, outdoors, product branding, etc. But, with the advent of social media, marketing has been revolutionized. Where it used to be that you would create something and hope that the right people will see it, now you can choose to target only the right people. (Valium) With SEO applied to social media marketing, this process can be further pinpointed to increase engagement and interaction on social media. When your customers can relate to your brand personally, they are more likely to share it with their friends and family.
Obviously, original targeted content is key! But consistency is also vital. If you share one thing on your Facebook page, but have already shared something contradictory on Twitter or Instagram earlier, someone who follows your brand might lose trust in you. Moreover, being able to orchestrate cross-platform social media campaigns gives that much more credibility to your brand. One solid brand image on all social media is far better than ten shabbily developed brand images on ten different platforms.
Using Social Media 2.0 is the strategic move for social media marketing as more people are using social media now, more than ever. And the numbers are only rising, exponentially! Being able to consolidate all social media content is the future of both social media as well as SEO. Reach your audience through various ways from the same source!